It would seem that there are even analytics on people. Klout is a data analytics tool that rates People on their social media (sm) presence. I currently am at a 46 our of 100, but most of my social media activity is from the past 3 months.
Erie Brewing Company who has a great beer, has little to no web presence. Some minor modifications to their Facebook, Twitter and own company web page could significantly increase not only their presence but their revenue streams. A few hours of work a week could yield major dividends. Simple things like direct and rapid responses to tweets and status could draw big follower ship on sm. Here is a post from me on their Twitter:
In the past year I have had extremely positive response from @Jockey, @Sterilite_Corp, and @GrandTrunkGoods. All I did is tweet my complaint and within hours their VA got back with me and arranged a positive experience with their products and brand. These are three companies that I will spend money with again.
Other companies that I have contacted with simple tweets have not acknowledged them at all making me wonder if they even understand the purpose of sm.
These simple factors can have a massive and damaging impact on business because weather they want to admit it their Klout displays how accessible their business is in the sm world. Social Media drives business now, not the other way around.
Erie Brewing Company who has a great beer, has little to no web presence. Some minor modifications to their Facebook, Twitter and own company web page could significantly increase not only their presence but their revenue streams. A few hours of work a week could yield major dividends. Simple things like direct and rapid responses to tweets and status could draw big follower ship on sm. Here is a post from me on their Twitter:
@ErieBrewingCo Are you guys brewing anything for Turkey Day? #seasonal #localbeer #brewers #beerIf all goes well their Virtual Assistant (VA) is getting a notification on their phone or device and formulating a response. I will comment that response when I get it.
— Tim May (@shoelesstim) October 28, 2013
In the past year I have had extremely positive response from @Jockey, @Sterilite_Corp, and @GrandTrunkGoods. All I did is tweet my complaint and within hours their VA got back with me and arranged a positive experience with their products and brand. These are three companies that I will spend money with again.
Other companies that I have contacted with simple tweets have not acknowledged them at all making me wonder if they even understand the purpose of sm.
These simple factors can have a massive and damaging impact on business because weather they want to admit it their Klout displays how accessible their business is in the sm world. Social Media drives business now, not the other way around.
@shoelesstim Not sure yet! May do something exclusive for the brewery for the tasting room! Keep you posted!
— Erie Brewing Company (@ErieBrewingCo) October 29, 2013